Why us?

Well, firstly, hi! We’re Ashley and Keri! Thanks for stopping by!

Together, we have a combined 40+ years in the Entertainment Industry, and we have done it all. From acting and hosting, to working in live daytime television, booking celebrity talent, producing, editing, media outreach, and everything in between, we have brought our myriad of production skills and built Momtourage Podcast from scratch, into the successful and monetized podcast it is.

We are a two-woman operation that turned failure into success. Paired together for the Scary Mommy Speaks podcast, we were devastated when the show came to a close. Determined to keep it going, we took a day of mourning, then put on our big girl panties and came out swinging. Two and a half years later, Momtourage Podcast is partnered with mom media company, CafeMom, is represented by Buchwald Agency, and has brought in $25k of revenue so far through our podcast in 2022. Oh, did we mention that we did that all ourselves? We’ve even booked huge celebrity guests on the show including Jim Carrey, Kristen Bell, and John Cleese, and worked with sponsors like Wendy’s, Go RVing, Bobbi Brown and more! We’ve even been voted on to Podcast Magazine’s “Top Mom Podcasters” list two years in a row!

We understand what it is to create a brand that encompasses YOU— how to find your audience, develop your voice, and be fiercely protective of what you’ve built. In an industry where connection and intimacy with your audience is one of the MOST important pieces in the puzzle, we can teach you how to make money without compromising on your voice.

And on top of all that, we know what it means to be working moms. We understand how delicate the work/life balance is, and wanting to create a schedule for yourself that allows you to build the life and have the time you want with your family.

So come chat with us, because we’d love to help you!


We’d love to answer your questions! And really, what do you have to lose?